Electronic equivalent of a pump-modulated erbium-doped fiber laser Barba-Franco, J.J., Romo-Muñoz, L., Jaimes-Reátegui, R., García-López, J.H., Huerta-Cuellar, G., Pisarchik, A.N. Integration 89, 106–113 link
Frailty detection in older adults via fractal analysis of acceleration signals from wrist-worn sensors Cobo A, Rodríguez-Laso Á, Villalba-Mora E, Pérez-Rodríguez R, Rodríguez-Mañas L. Health Inf Sci Syst 2023 11: 29 link
Advances in Neuroimaging Data Processing Hramov, A.E., Pisarchik, A.N. Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 13 link
Coherence resonance in neural networks: Theory and experiments Pisarchik, A.N., Hramov, A.E. Physics Reports 1000, 1–57 link
Dynamics of a ring of three fractional-order Duffing oscillators
Barba-Franco, J.J., Gallegos, A., Jaimes-Reátegui, R., Pisarchik, A.N.
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Influential Factors for Older Users’ Acceptance of eHealth Services: an Integrated Acceptance Framework (IAF)
Jiyeon Yu, Angelica de Antonio and Elena Villalba-Mora
Journal of Medical Internet Research
Revealing the neural network underlying covert picture-naming paradigm using magnetoencephalography
Chholak, P., Tabari, F., Pisarchik, A.N.
Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Prikladnaya Nelineynaya Dinamika 30, 76–95.
Assessing Older Adult’s Gait Speed with Wearable Accelerometers in Community Settings: Validity and Reliability Study
Cobo, A., Villalba-Mora, E., Pérez-Rodríguez, R., Rodríguez-Laso, Á., Rodríguez-Mañas, L.
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Motivational traits: An objective behavioral test using a computer game
Fernández-Avilés, D., de Antonio, A., Villalba-Mora, E.
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Stabilization of an unstable equilibrium of a balance platform due to short-term training
Frolov, N.S., Khorev, V.S., Grubov, V.V., Badarin, A.A., Kurkin, S.A., Maksimenko, V.A., Hramov, A.E., Pisarchik, A.N.
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Implicit, Explicit, and Structural Barriers and Facilitators for Information and Communication Technology Access in Older Adults
Gomez-Hernandez, M., Adrian, S.W., Ferre, X., Villalba-Mora, E.
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Multistability and noise-induced transitions in the model of bidirectionally coupled neurons with electrical synaptic plasticity
Jaimes-Reátegui, R., Huerta-Cuellar, G., García-López, J.H., Pisarchik, A.N.
European Physical Journal: Special Topics 231, 255–265.
Numerical study of laser synapse connecting Hindmarsh–Rose neurons
Jaimes-Reátegui, R., Huerta-Cuellar, G., García-López, J.H., Pisarchik, A.N.
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Development a cross-loop during adaptive stimulation of hippocampal neural networks by an artificial neural network
Lebedeva, A., Beltyukova, A., Fedulina, A., Gerasimova, S., Mishchenko, M., Matveeva, M., Maltseva, K., Belov, A., Mikhaylov, A., Pisarchik, A., Kazantsev, V.
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Control of Multistability in an Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser by an Artificial Neural Network: A Numerical Approach
Magallón, D.A., Jaimes-Reátegui, R., García-López, J.H., Huerta-Cuellar, G., López-Mancilla, D., Pisarchik, A.N.
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Attractor memory in a nonautonomous multistable system
Pisarchik, A.N., Jaimes-Reátegui, R., Franco, J.J.B.
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Coloured-noise-induced transport in a model of the thermochemical reactor
Ryashko, L.B., Pisarchik, A.N.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 380, 20200313.
Design of an Integrated Acceptance Framework for Older Users and eHealth: Influential Factor Analysis
Yu, J., de Antonio, A., Villalba-Mora, E.
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Deep Learning (CNN, RNN) Applications for Smart Homes: A Systematic Review.
Yu, J., de Antonio, A., Villalba-Mora, E.
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Home Monitoring System for Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment in Patient’s Dwelling: System Design and UX Evaluation
Elena Villalba-Mora, Xavier Ferre, Rodrigo Pérez-Rodríguez, Cristian Moral, Myriam Valdés-Aragonés, Alberto Sánchez-Sánchez, Leocadio Rodríguez-Mañas.
Frontiers in Digital Health 3, 40.
Unobtrusive Sensors for the Assessment of Older Adult’s Frailty: A Scoping Review
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Usability, User Experience, and Acceptance Evaluation of CAPACITY: A Technological Ecosystem for Remote Follow-Up of Frailty
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Event-Related Coherence in Visual Cortex and Brain Noise: An MEG Study
P. Chholak, S.A. Kurkin, A.E. Hramov, A.N. Pisarchik
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Voluntary and involuntary attention in bistable visual perception: A MEG study
P. Chholak, V.A. Maksimenko, A.A. Andreev, A.E. Hramov, A.N. Pisarchik
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14, 555 (2020)
Stochastic transitions between in-phase and anti-phase synchronization in coupled map-based neural oscillators, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
I.A. Bashkirtseva, L.B. Ryashko, A.N. Pisarchik
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Generation of giant periodic pulses in the array of erbium-doped fiber lasers by controlling multistability
R. Jaimes-Reátegui, J.O. Esqueda de la Torre, J.H. García-López, G. Huerta-Cuellar, V. Aboites, A. N. Pisarchik
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Functional networks of the brain: from connectivity restoration to dynamic integration
A.A. Koronovskii, O.I. Moskalenko, Anatolii A. Pivovarov, Vladislav A. Khanadeev, A.E. Hramov, A.N. Pisarchik
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Jump intermittency as a second type transition to and from generalized synchronization
A.E. Hramov, N.S. Frolov, V.A. Maksimenko, S.A. Kurkin, V.B. Kazantsev, A.N. Pisarchik
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Dissociating cognitive processes during ambiguous information processing in perceptual-decision making
V.A. Maksimenko, Alexander Kuc, N.S. Frolov, M.V. Khramova, A.N. Pisarchik, A.E. Hramov
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 14, 95 (2020)
An advanced perception model based on brain noise and adaptation
P. Chholak, A.E. Hramov, A.N. Pisarchik
Nonlinear Dynamics 100, 3695-3709 (2020)
Stimulus classification using chimera-like states in a spiking neural network
A.A. Andreev, M.V. Ivanchenko, A.N. Pisarchik, A.E. Hramov
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 139, 110061 (2020)
Ring of map-based neural oscillators: From order to chaos and back
I.A. Bashkirtseva, L.B. Ryashko, A.N. Pisarchik
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 136, 109830 (2020)
Functional near-infrared spectroscopy for the classification of motor-related sensor-level brain activity
A.E. Hramov, V.V. Grubov, A.A. Badarin, V.A. Maksimenko, A.N. Pisarchik
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Stochastic phenomena in pattern formation for distributed nonlinear systems
A.P. Kolinichenko, A.N. Pisarchik, L.B. Ryashko
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A Systematic Mapping Study on the Use of Motivational Theories in the Design of Motivational Software
Daniel Fernández-Avilés, Angelica De Antonio, Elena Villalba-Mora
IEEE Access
Older Adult Segmentation According to Residentially-Based Lifestyles and Analysis of their Needs for Smart Home Functions
Jiyeon Yu, Angélica de Antonio, Elena Villalba Mora
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Automatic and Real-Time Computation of the 30-Seconds Chair-Stand Test without Professional Supervision for Community-Dwelling Older Adults
Antonio Cobo, Elena Villalba-Mora, Rodrigo Pérez Rodríguez, Xavier Ferre, Walter Escalante, Cristian Moral, Leocadio Rodriguez Mañas
Sensors 2020
Monitoring and Intervention Technologies to Manage Diabetic Older Persons: The CAPACITY Case—A Pilot Study
Rodrigo Pérez-Rodríguez, Tania Guevara-Guevara, Pedro A. Moreno-Sánchez, Elena Villalba-Mora, Myriam Valdés-Aragonés, Myriam Oviedo-Briones, José A. Carnicero and Leocadio Rodríguez-Mañas
Frontiers in Endocrinology, 2020
Portable Ultrasound-Based Device for Detecting Older Adults’ Sit-to-Stand Transitions in Unsupervised 30-Second Chair–Stand Tests
Antonio Cobo, Elena Villalba-Mora, Dieter Hayn, Xavier Ferre, Rodrigo Pérez-Rodríguez, Alberto Sánchez-Sánchez, Raquel Bernabé-Espiga, Juan-Luis Sánchez-Sánchez, Andrea López-Diez-Picazo, Cristian Moral, Leocadio Rodriguez-Mañas
Sensors 2020, 20(7)
Coherent resonance in the distributed cortical network during sensory information
A.N. Pisarchik, V.A. Maksimenko, A.V. Andreev, V.V. Makarov, M.O. Zhuravlev, N.S. Frolov, A.E. Runnova, A.E. Hramov
Scientific Reports 9 (2019) 18325
Nonlinear effect of biological feedback on brain attentional state
V.A. Maksimenko, A.E. Hramov, V.V. Grubov, V.O. Nedaivozov, V.V. Makarov, A.N. Pisarchik
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From novel technology to novel applications: Comment on “An integrated brain-machine interface platform with thousands of channels” by Elon Musk & Neuralink
A.N. Pisarchik, V.A. Maksimenko, A.E. Hramov
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Neural interactions in a spatially-distributed cortical network during attentional tasks
V.A. Maksimenko, N.S. Frolov, A.E. Hramov, A.E. Runnova, V.V. Grubov, J. Kurths, A.N. Pisarchik
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 13, art. no. 220 (September 2019), pp. 1-17
Coherence resonance in stimulated neuronal network
Andreev, A.V., Makarov, V.V., Runnova A.E., Pisarchik, A.N., Hramov, A.E.
Chaos, Solitions & Fractals, 106, 80-95
Conduction delays can enhance formation of up and down states in spiking neuronal networks
Esir, P. M., Gordleeva, S. Y., Simonov, A. Y., Pisarchik, A. N., & Kazantsev, V. B.
Physical Review E, 98(5), 052401
Multistability and tipping: From mathematics and physics to climate and brain
Feudel, U., Pisarchik, A.N., Showalter, K.
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Artificial network detect human uncertainty
Hramov, A.E., Frolov, N.S., Maksimenko, V.A., Makarov, V.V., Koronovskii, A.A., Garcia-Prieto, J., Antón-Toro, L.F., Maestu, F., Pisarchik, A.N.
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Extreme events in systems with discontinuous boundaries
Kumarasamy, S., & Pisarchik, A. N.
Physical Review E, 98(3)
Betweenness centrality in multiplex brain network during mental task evaluation
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Physical Review E, 98(6)
Increasing human performance by sharing cognitive load using brain-to-brain interface
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Artificial neural network classification of motor-related EEG: An increase in classification accuracy by reducing signal complexity
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Nonlinear analysis of brain activity, associated with motor action and motor imaginary in untrained subjects
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Multiscale neural connectivity during human sensory processing in the brain
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Differences between blind people’s cognitive maps after proximity and distant exploration of virtual environments
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Gait speed measurement for elderly patients with risk of frailty
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Classifying the perceptual interpretations of a bistable image using EEG and artificial neural networks
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Visual perception affected by motivation and alertness controlled by a noninvasive brain-computer interface
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Integrated Care Programme for older adults: Analysis and improvement
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Error-feedback control of multistability
Sevilla-Escoboza, R., Huerta-Cuellar, G., Jaimes-Reátegui, R., García-López, J. H., Medel-Ruiz, C. I., Castañeda, C. E., et al.
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Experimental evidence of deterministic coherence resonance in coupled chaotic systems with frequency mismatch
Garcia-Vellisca, M. A., Pisarchik, A. N., & Jaimes-Reategui, R.
Physical Review.E, 94(1-1), 012218
Separation of coexisting dynamical regimes in multistate intermittency based on wavelet spectrum energies in an erbium-doped fiber laser
Hramov, A. E., Koronovskii, A. A., Moskalenko, O. I., Zhuravlev, M. O., Jaimes-Reategui, R., & Pisarchik, A. N.
Physical Review.E, 93(5), 052218
Integrated Care Program for the very old adults
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